The World’s First Sustainable Weight Loss
Program Designed for Busy Fathers Over 40
The #1 Weight Loss Plan for Men 40+



see the dozens of success
stories of men 40+ using
this program…
The #1 Weight Loss Program for Men 40+

Attention: Men over 40 with at least 30lbs to lose...

We've Helped Over 51,525 Busy Guys Build Muscle,
Burn Stubborn Belly Fat & Double Their Energy Without
Restrictive Diets or Time-Consuming Workouts...

We've Helped 51,525 Guys 40+
Build Muscle, Burn Belly Fat
& Double Their Energy
Without Restrictive Diets or
Time-Consuming Workouts...

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. Join today. See results your very first week.
The Fit Father Program is the #1 Health & Weight Loss Plan for Guys 40+

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. See results in first week.
Fit Father is the #1 Weight Loss Program for Guys 40+

This proven “Fit Father Program” you're about to discover has helped 40,632 busy Men 40+ burn 200,000lbs of fat and keep the weight off for good. If you're frustrated with failed diets… feeling tired all the time… getting winded easily… and you want to get yourself healthy so you can be around for your family… then watch this video and read the specific tips in this letter, because this information can change your life forever:
Message from the desk of:
Dr. Anthony Balduzzi
Men's health physician & weight loss expert
Founder of The Fit Father Project

Message from the desk of:
Dr. Anthony Balduzzi
Men's health & weight loss expert
Founder of The Fit Father Project

Dear friend,

In this short letter, I’m going to do something a little drastic…

I’m going to reveal exactly how thousands of busy men over 40…just like you… are finally burning off belly fat in 30 days.

And I’m going to show you how to do it without crazy diets, insane workouts, or modifying your already stressful schedule.

Sound too good to be true?

Well, I’m also going to offer you a money back guarantee. Either this works and you reduce your belly fat and start feeling energized, young, and strong… or you pay nothing.

Gentlemen, this is not an idle offer.

If you're anything like the thousands of busy men using my Fit Father Program, you've been around the block...

You've seen fad diets come and go. Hell, you've probably tried most of them…

But the belly is still there. Your energy is down. Your libido is down.

You’re starting to shop for new pants…again.

You joke with your friends that you’re in shape…because round is a shape. And as they all laugh, you secretly feel the guilt inside stab you one more time.

Because you’re better than this. You used to be athletic and competitive.

But somewhere, life got in the way…

The marriage…the kids…the job…the commute…the lunches eaten at Chipotle…the skipped breakfasts…the gym membership that’s been slowly eating $27 out of your bank every month.

Subtle reminders that you’ve been telling yourself you’ll get around to someday.

But you’re tired.

Not just from a stressful life. But from all the failed attempts to get fit in the past.

It was always something…

A meeting took you away from your workout. A late night with the kids meant not getting up for breakfast.

All the plans you’ve tried just didn’t work, or were too hard to follow over the long haul.

Nothing seemed to fit the life you’re living now. All that stuff seems like it was written for 20-year-old guys who can sleep 10 hours a night, lift for hours, and chug booze every weekend.

So I get it. I know why you’re skeptical that I can claim to help you substantially reduce your belly fat and start seeing real results in just 30 days.

But give me a few minutes, and I’ll not only prove it to you, but I’ll make you an offer that “you can’t refuse.”

Before I reveal how this Fit Father Program will transform your life, allow me to introduce myself to you...

My name is Dr. Anthony Balduzzi. I'm a men's health doctor & founder of The Fit Father Project.

My name is Dr. Anthony Balduzzi. I'm a men's health doctor & founder of The Fit Father Project.

I specialize in fat loss for busy men over 40. It's my life mission. Let me explain…

When I was growing up, I watched my own Dad work exhaustingly long hours at work. He skipped exercise and didn't eat healthy.

Dad was so busy providing for our family. I guess he didn't know how important his health was until he lost it…

I specialize in fat loss for busy men over 40. It's my life mission. Let me explain…

When I was growing up, I watched my own Dad work exhaustingly long hours at work. He skipped exercise and didn't eat healthy.

Dad was so busy providing for our family. I guess he didn't know how important his health was until he lost it…

I will always remember the night my life changed forever…

I was downstairs painting a model corvette with my little brother when I suddenly heard thunderous “BOOOM” from my parents' upstairs bedroom. I ran upstairs and found my Dad convulsing on the carpet having a violent seizure.

My body shook with fear. I had never seen my Dad look so helpless in my entire life. I screamed downstairs for Mom. We scooped Dad off the floor and rushed him to the hospital where the doctors ran countless blood tests and brain scans.

That was the night my father received his terminal brain cancer diagnosis.

The doctors found a tumor growing inside Dad's brain that would rapidly take his life.

Over the next few months, I saw my Dad lose everything. He lost his ability to work. He lost his ability to play with me. Dad lost the entire second half of his life – time he would've spent watching me and my little brother grow up.

My father died at 42 years young.

Watching the man I loved most in life die so young taught me many life lessons — especially this critically important lesson for you and me…

As men, neglecting our health is perhaps the #1 most dangerous thing we can do to our families...

HEALTH is the foundation of everything you and I love in life.

Health is the foundation of your energy, vitality, confidence, and ability to provide for your family and enjoy your life.

It's so easy to lose sight of how important our health really is amidst the busyness of life.

So many guys lose everything they love in life, because for years they make some very bad choices about eating, exercise, and unhealthy lifestyles.

Growing up without Dad put a fire in my belly. I swore TWO (2) Things:

Promise #1: that I would do everything in my power to stay as healthy as possible for my family and loved ones.

Promise #2: that I would help other fathers around the world get healthy AND STAY healthy, so that other boys and girls don't have grow up without their dads.

Because, man-to-man, here's the cold hard truth:

Today Men Over 40 are at Enormous Risk...

Heart disease. Diabetes. Obesity.

All are climbing at astonishingly high rates, despite all the drugs, diets, and exercise plans out there.

More kids are losing their dads too early.

More wives are suddenly left to fend for themselves.

If I can change that by even a small degree, I’ll spend my last breath trying.

After Dad died, I began to study everything I could get my hands on about health, eating, and exercise. And what I discovered from the scientific research absolutely shocked me…

You deserve to hear these life-saving facts that I learned from my research too:

Here's what I learned from digging into the medical research after my Dad died...

For men over 40, having excess fat around your midsection isn't just a “cosmetic” problem. Belly fat is literally KILLING your body, mental clarity, and even “performance” in the bedroom.

FACT #1: Belly fat causes DEADLY INFLAMMATION that damages your heart, brain, and key organs. This happens silently without us “realizing” until it's often too late. New research from American Society Of Nutrition (1)*.

FACT #2: It's predicted that 50% of all overweight men will develop some form of potentially deadly cancer in their lifetime. The British Journal of Cancer (2)*.

FACT #3: Belly fat and eating junk food literally SUCKS ENERGY from your body making you chronically fatigued. New research from UCLA (3)*.

FACT #4: Belly fat is a top risk factor for deadly HEART ATTACKS which happen to 350,000 men every year. Date from The CDC (4)*.

FACT #5: Belly fat and skipping exercising actually SHRINKS YOUR BRAIN and promotes Alzheimer's disease. Boston University School Of Medicine (5)*.

FACT #6: Bad eating damages your circulation leading to heart disease and embarrassing Erectile Dysfunction. Research from University of Florence (6)*.

Look around you. All of this is happening to TENS OF MILLIONS of men right now. You see it in your family, friends, and maybe your own body.

Society has made being unhealthy after age 40 seem so “normal” by hiding behind the B.S. belief that men in their 40s, 50s, & 60s are supposed to be fat, tired, and “over the hill.”

This is simply not true.

Being “over the hill” is a matter of MINDSET and the CHOICES each of us makes with how we take care of our God given bodies.

And I learned that if we don't take care of ourselves… there eventually comes a time when “Father Time” collects on our debts & choices of how we choose to treat our bodies. My Dad paid the ultimate price for his at 42 years young.

I'll be the first to admit that it's not easy to talk about these risks – especially when I think about my Dad and his life. Yet, I'm sharing these hard facts with you, because I really do care about YOU, your health, and your family.

As scary as this stuff is, I really wish somebody would have told my Dad these facts…

Because of the type of DRIVEN MAN my Dad was, I know these facts would've lit a fire under Dad's ass to step up and FULLY commit to a new healthy way of living.

I believe you deserve this same “wake up call” opportunity. From growing up on the “other side” of things as a kid without a father, I can tell you your family deserves this chance too.

Here's the Big Problem though...

Here's the Big Problem though

Today's diet and exercise "advice" is completely useless for busy men over 40...

“Eat healthier. Cut back on your carbs. Do hours of cardio. Eat more protein. Take vitamins…” (blah, blah…)

You've heard all that generic & unspecific B.S. advice countless times before.

Even if you want to live healthier, the “cookie-cutter” advice out there failed you. It will continue to fail you if you keep listening.

YET, if you're looking for a faster, smarter, more specific, and completely sustainable way to get healthy… then pay close attention to the rest of this letter.

I'm about to show you the Fit Father 30X Program I designed exclusively for busy men over 40 that's been proven on 40,632 men who want to lose weight, burn belly fat, and get healthy for life.

First though, let me SAVE YOU some time, energy, and frustration by busting a few of the WORST “fitness approaches” you absolutely must avoid.

First, here are the WORST PLANS you must avoid...

Worst Weight Loss Plan #1:

“I just need to work out more to lose weight”

Many guys over 40 believe that “getting back in the gym” is the key to losing weight. This is a MYTH.

As we tell our Fit Fathers, nutrition is 80% of the battle… and you can't out exercise a bad diet.

In fact, we’ve seen guys lose 50lbs with ZERO exercise at all. And when you combine smart workouts designed for guys 40+, you start seeing even faster results.

Worst Weight Loss Plan #2:

“Super restrictive diets”

When many guys 40+ think about dieting, their go-to plan is to eat chicken and salads… restrict carbs… and cut out all the ‘bad’ foods like cookies and cake.

Never have a pizza, bread, or pasta ever again. How long do you think that restrictive diet will actually last?

Listen, although eating less junk food is a key part of losing weight & getting healthier, this type of restrictive eating is NEVER sustainable or healthy long-term.

To lose weight and actually keep the pounds off long-term you need a SIMPLE & SUSTAINABLE healthy eating plan that will work for you long-term…

  • a plan allows you to enjoy healthy foods you love each day…
  • a plan that's simple and easy to follow
  • a plan that allows you to indulge in “unhealthy foods” on occasion without gaining fat…
  • a plan that gives you the flexibility to eat out at restaurants and enjoy
    your life.

Listen, restrictive dieting has probably failed you in the past, and it will continue to fail you in the future. Because as men age, our bodies & metabolisms change drastically. So we can’t follow the same advice that a 20-year-old guy would follow. And we definitely can’t follow the diet advice from some faddish Hollywood celebrity.

So what does work?


When I started training men, I couldn’t find a program that fit those essential criteria.

So I built one...


Designed to get you incredible results in just 30 days.

Fit Father 30X is the first weight loss diet & exercise program exclusively for men over 40 that helps you get rid of belly fat fast AND actually keep the pounds off by helping you build solid habits.

I created FF30X to hand you EVERYTHING you need with your healthy diet, time-efficient workouts, and accountability to get healthy.

This is the program I wish my Dad had before his body broke down…

Tested and proven on XX,XXX men in over a hundred countries.

Inside FF30X, you have
EVERYTHING you need:

  • Complete 30-Day Nutrition Plan ($249 Value), including:
    • Our Simple ‘Perfect Plate’ Method (...That Means No Counting Calories)
    • Complete Grocery Lists For Your Favorite FFP Meals
    • Best Foods List (Proteins, Carbs, Fats)
    • 4 ‘When to Eat’ Meal Timing Templates
    • Full FFP Approved Recipes ‘Cook-Book’ ($47 value)
    • Eating Out Guide - 21 Healthiest Fast Food Options ($29 value)
    • Drinking Alcohol Guide - How to Enjoy a Drink and Stay Lean ($29 value)
    • Best Supplements For Men Over 40 Guide ($29 value)
    • How To Eat During Travel & On The Go Guide ($29 value)
  • Complete 30-Day Workout Plan ($249 value), including:
    • Simple ‘At Home’ Workout Plans (With just a set of dumbbells or kettlebells)
    • Resistance Band and Bodyweight Alternative Workout Plans
    • Exercise Database Showing Correct Form For Most Popular Exercises
    • Exercise Alternatives For Injuries
    • Exercises For Weak Areas (Shoulders, Lower Back, and Knees)
    • Support From Our Training Team for Limitations/Other Requirements
  • Program Quick Start Checklist ($29)
  • Welcome Video - How To Navigate The Member’s Area ($20)
  • 15-Minute Support Call With An Accountability Coach ($30)
  • 30-Days Email Accountability Check-Ins ($199)
  • Unbreakable Habits Guide ($29)
  • Access to Our Support Team, Trainers, and Coaches ($199)
  • Private Community Group of Men on The Same Journey (...priceless)

Value: $1,167



**Backed by our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee**
Join the FF30X program today and we promise you'll love your experience and results… or we give you a full refund. No questions asked. We make this guarantee because we want you to know this program is the real deal. You have zero risk to join us and try the Fit Father Program today.

Lee S – 52 years young

Lost 110lbs in 12 months

“After the first week, my joints weren’t hurting as much any more. I didn’t feel lethargic. I had a lot more energy. I just physically began feeling way better inside. I lost 20 lbs in my first 30 days”

Brian D – 41 years young

Lost 150lbs in 10 months

“I went from 361.6 to 210.7 in about 10 months. Not only does FF30X work, it is so much more sustainable than anything else I've tried.”

Josh M – 46 years young

Lost 40lbs in 6 months

“FF30X has been a life changing experience for me. January 19th through July 19th, I lost 40 pounds. Have maintained that since!”

Don S – 50 years young

Lost 40lbs and gained muscle

“This program has radically changed everything about me. I lost 22 lbs in the first 30 days, then shortly thereafter surpassed my goal and lost over 40 lbs.”

breaking bad habits
Martin R – 42 years young

Lost 44lbs in 5 months

“I started at 232.6 lbs and was on meds for blood pressure, cholesterol, and acid reflux. I am incredibly thankful to be sustaining at 189 lbs and I'm off all my meds now.”

Stephen A – 54 years young

Lost 191lbs in 18 months

“When I started my Journey, I weighed 390 lbs. This morning I weighed in at 198.6lbs and am feeling really good. I started at size 58” waist pants, and today I am wearing a size 36 inches.”

Werner M – 52 years young

Lost 83lbs in 8 months

“Coming from 283 lbs I just broke under 200 lbs after 8 months into FFP. Haven’t seen that number since my early 20’s.”

Cliff J – 44 years young

Lost 60lbs in 7 months

“I can mountain bike and go hiking with my kids for several miles, even if I have to carry my youngest in my backpack. I sleep better and my waist has gone from 42.5” to 36”. I am in great shape, both strength and condition-wise now.”

Chris L – 52 years young

Lost 85lbs in 8 months

“I’m a FF4L member. I started just over 2 years ago. I dropped 85lbs in about 8 months, then started following Old School Muscle and I've gained 5lbs of muscle in 7 months!”


It’s Your Turn Now.
Imagine It’s 30 Days From This Moment...

Imagine it's 30 days from now and you're looking at yourself in your bathroom mirror.

Imagine seeing your new, lean, energetic, and ageless body staring back at you. The body that you built with the proven FF30X program that's worked for you and over 40,632 other men before you…

Imagine the feeling of pride and confidence as you see your new body. Your new body that will help you stay active, healthy, and strong to enjoy your family and life for decades to come.

Getting your lean fit body back is finally possible for you with this plan – no matter how many fad diets or workouts have failed you in the past.

You deserve to enjoy lifelong health. You also deserve a weight loss program that is designed specifically for you as a busy man over 40 to be simple & sustainable.

I believe your family deserves to have you in tip-top shape too…

IMAGINE in the Next 30 Days with FF30X, you will:

  • See the shocked look on the faces of your family & friends, as they stare in disbelief at your FIT NEW BODY.
  • Wake up feeling ENERGIZED before the alarm ever goes off.
  • Regain the CONFIDENCE to take your shirt off and feel proud of you the new lean body you've built.
  • Be more PRODUCTIVE at work, because your mind is feeling so much sharper and your body has more energy and STAMINA.
  • Feel PROUD of the good example you’re setting for your kids & family.
  • HEAL typical “age-related” aches and pains that are slowing all the other guys around you down.
  • Have more PASSION and vitality in your love life, because your partner can’t keep her hands off you.
  • INSPIRE everyone around you with your transformation. Your friends & family will see the "new you" and get motivated to follow your lead.


Listen to these video messages from your soon-to-be brothers inside Fit Father 30X of how this program has transformed their health & life.

**Backed by our 60-Day Money Back Guarantee**Join the FF30X program today and we promise you'll love your experience and results… or we give you a full refund. No questions asked. We make this guarantee because we want you to know this program is the real deal. You have zero risk to join us and try the Fit Father Program today.


Fit Father 30X is a proven fat loss program that produces the powerful results you see below. It's also a Lifestyle Approach that makes your results actually sustainable.

**Backed by our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee**


"I LOVE this program. I honestly can’t see myself living any other way. I feel terrific. I'm down 25lbs after Month #1. Sustained energy levels throughout the day. Better sleep. Can’t thank you enough Anthony. Like anything else, you need to be focused and committed in order to get results. So if you’re lazy and just don’t care, the program is not for you. But if you actually give a damn about your body and what you’ll be like at the age of 65 or older, this program is where it’s at" Joe Cardini (55 years young) - busy father to 3 girls - lost 25lbs in 30 days* *Results may vary from individual to individual.

"I LOVE this program. I honestly can’t see myself living any other way. I feel terrific. I'm down 25lbs after Month #1. Sustained energy levels throughout the day. Better sleep. Can’t thank you enough Anthony. Like anything else, you need to be focused and committed in order to get results. So if you’re lazy and just don’t care, the program is not for you. But if you actually give a damn about your body and what you’ll be like at the age of 65 or older, this program is where it’s at"

Joe Cardini
(55 years young)
busy father to 3 girls
lost 25lbs in 30 days

"Dr. Anthony, your Fit Father 30X Program changed my life. I had been stuck for years at 230 no matter what I ate or how much I exercised. I tried P90X and low carb diets. I was losing hope and feeling very frustrated. And then I found your plan. My first week I lost 5 pounds! After completing FF30X, I am leaner, stronger, and more confident than I have in years. It has never been this easy. I am telling everyone about this program. Seriously thank you!!" Bob Berkman (51 years young) - busy father of 3 - lost 22lbs in 30 days* *Results may vary from individual to individual.

"Dr. Anthony, your Fit Father 30X Program changed my life. I had been stuck for years at 230 no matter what I ate or how much I exercised. I tried P90X and low carb diets. I was losing hope and feeling very frustrated. And then I found your plan. My first week I lost 5 pounds! After completing FF30X, I am leaner, stronger, and more confident than I have in years. It has never been this easy. I am telling everyone about this program. Seriously thank you!!"

Bob Berkman
(51 years young)
busy father of 3
lost 22lbs in 30 days

"I was a bit skeptical about starting your plan, because I had tried so many different diets in the past. In the first week on the program I lost 6lbs. I was immediately hooked!! I’m still going strong for 6 months now. Today I’m down about 4 stone down (55 pounds) and still dropping baby!" Vijay Maru (London, UK) - dropped 55lbs in 6 months using FF30X* *Results may vary from individual to individual.

"I was a bit skeptical about starting your plan, because I had tried so many different diets in the past. In the first week on the program I lost 6lbs. I was immediately hooked!! I’m still going strong for 6 months now. Today I’m down about 4 stone down (55 pounds) and still dropping baby!"

Vijay Maru
(London, UK)
dropped 55lbs in 6 months using FF30X

"Using FF30X, I lost 11lbs of fat and qualified for the Boston Marathon! It’s an incredible feeling being able to do the activities I love and feel great doing it. I am stronger. My cardio is improving from the workouts and my workouts are so much shorter now. I recommend this program to any guy who wants results.” Rex McGregor - lost 11lbs fat & built 5lbs muscle* *Results may vary from individual to individual.

"Using FF30X, I lost 11lbs of fat and qualified for the Boston Marathon! It’s an incredible feeling being able to do the activities I love and feel great doing it. I am stronger. My cardio is improving from the workouts and my workouts are so much shorter now. I recommend this program to any guy who wants results.”

Rex McGregor
lost 11lbs fat &
built 5lbs muscle

WARNING! Even though FF30X has transformed the health of thousands of men 40+, it's NOT for everybody.

The FF30X Program is
WRONG for you IF:

  • You think "simple" means "no hard work." Dream on. Every weight loss, nutrition, and exercise plan requires work. SMART WORK - but you have to put in effort. I've just made it as easy and simple as possible for you.
  • You don't want to change the way you're eating. I cover some very simple & highly-effective dietary changes that you will need to make to see the results you want. You will not be eating pizza, burgers, and ice cream every day and wake up to the body of your dreams.
  • You refuse to dedicate 2-3 hours PER WEEK to exercise. I've designed this program so that you can perform these at home or at the gym. If you're not willing to exercise at all, this system is not right for you.
  • You think, "I'm too old for this." Listen: you are NOT too old. Period! I've seen men in their late 70s kicking ass on this FF30X System, so please get that out of your head right now.


Fit Father 30X Program For Men Over 40.

Designed to get you incredible results in just 30 days.

Fit Father 30X is the first weight loss diet & exercise program exclusively for men over 40 that helps you get rid of belly fat fast AND actually keep the pounds off by helping you build solid habits.

I created FF30X to hand you EVERYTHING you need with your healthy diet, time-efficient workouts, and accountability to get healthy.

Fit Father 30X
Program For Men Over 40.

Tested and proven on XX,XXX men in over a hundred countries.

Inside FF30X, you have
EVERYTHING you need:

  • Complete 30-Day Nutrition Plan ($249 Value), including:
    • Our Simple ‘Perfect Plate’ Method (...That Means No Counting Calories)
    • Complete Grocery Lists For Your Favorite FFP Meals
    • Best Foods List (Proteins, Carbs, Fats)
    • 4 ‘When to Eat’ Meal Timing Templates
    • Full FFP Approved Recipes ‘Cook-Book’ ($47 value)
    • Eating Out Guide - 21 Healthiest Fast Food Options ($29 value)
    • Drinking Alcohol Guide - How to Enjoy a Drink and Stay Lean ($29 value)
    • Best Supplements For Men Over 40 Guide ($29 value)
    • How To Eat During Travel & On The Go Guide ($29 value)
  • Complete 30-Day Workout Plan ($249 value), including:
    • Simple ‘At Home’ Workout Plans (With just a set of dumbbells or kettlebells)
    • Resistance Band and Bodyweight Alternative Workout Plans
    • Exercise Database Showing Correct Form For Most Popular Exercises
    • Exercise Alternatives For Injuries
    • Exercises For Weak Areas (Shoulders, Lower Back, and Knees)
    • Support From Our Training Team for Limitations/Other Requirements
  • Program Quick Start Checklist ($29)
  • Welcome Video - How To Navigate The Member’s Area ($20)
  • 15-Minute Support Call With An Accountability Coach ($30)
  • 30-Days Email Accountability Check-Ins ($199)
  • Unbreakable Habits Guide ($29)
  • Access to Our Support Team, Trainers, and Coaches ($199)
  • Private Community Group of Men on The Same Journey (...priceless)

Value: $1,167



**Backed by our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee**Join the FF30X program today and we promise you'll love your experience and results… or we give you a full refund. No questions asked. We make this guarantee because we want you to know this program is the real deal. You have zero risk to join us and try the Fit Father Program today.

As you've seen in this letter, this Fit Father 30X Program is built from the ground up to get you results. But it only works if you do...

As you've seen in this letter, this FF30X Program is built from the ground up to get you results. But it only works if you do...


That’s what’s lacking from most fitness and fat loss programs today. Trust in the process. Trust in the trainer. Trust in me.

To earn your trust, I’m putting my money where my mouth is…

If you commit to putting in the work for the next 30 days using Fit Father 30X, I will personally guarantee you are thrilled with the program & results.

If you aren't – for ANY REASON – I will refund your money AND let you keep the program AND the coaching until you lose the weight.

There are a couple rules to this 100% Ironclad FF30X Guarantee, but not many.

First, you must have about 20+ lbs to lose. So if you weigh 250 and you’d be fit at 180, that’s good. If you weight 185 and would be shredded at 180…no go.

The program is designed to help men like you FINALLY lose the weight they’ve been packing on. It’s simple, concise, comprehensive, & designed specifically for men over 40.

BUT it’s not easy. Change never is. But this time, you literally can’t fail if you try. And I’ll make sure you try.



About the cost of a nice family dinner.

Too good to be true…?

Tell that to my dad. I made him a promise, and I’m keeping it here.

If I can help you, a father, husband, and son get fit and healthy for life… I win. It’s not about the money.

I can (and do, actually) train men for over $5000 a month getting the same results.

This program, the coaching, & the guarantee are part of my life mission.

Now…the decision is yours. But the impact of your decision is not.

Your entire family will remember today. Either as the day they saw their dad take back control… or as the day he left it to chance and ignored the issue.

If you’ve read this letter up until now, then you’re clearly the type of person who wants this transformation… And at $147, there isn’t a single reason to stop.

But I will caution you: don’t join this program with a “Ok, yeah, I’ll get to it” attitude.

I’ll let you get away with an “Ok, I’ll try it” attitude…but I want your commitment. I’ve given you mine.

I also have to let you know this...

This letter is seen 1000’s of times per week by other fathers like you.

And depending on how many men join the program, I might not be able to keep the price at $147 for much longer.

I’m not going to bullshit you with a “3 day only” sale.

The price is $147 today, and it probably will be tomorrow. But I reserve the right to increase the price or shut the doors at any time.

And let’s be honest… the best time to start getting healthy was 20 years ago. The next best time is today.

Don’t wait. That’s what you’ve been doing for years.

Take Action. Right Now.
Get started for $147.


Value: $1,167



Try the Fit Father Program today 100% risk free!

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Here Are The Biggest Questions
Ask Us About The FF30X Program...

Yes. But it's not harder than it needs to be: you've got every single tool you'll need to do the job. Nutrition that works for busy people? Check. Workouts that fit your needs? Check. A system to follow vs. a puzzle to figure out? Check.

Technically, zero. The FF30X system will still work if you can't work out at all. Of course, you'll see faster, better results if you can squeeze workouts in…so if you want the fastest, best results, you should commit to 3 workouts per week that last about 20-30 minutes each. You can do them anywhere if you've got two dumbbells with you.
You can, and you should. Tons of our customers do workouts with their kids, some of them workout with their wives, and you can either follow the nutrition on your own or have the entire family join in. Most guys will have their own meals for breakfast and lunch, and then make a family dinner that meets everyone's needs, too.
Most guys see a ton of water, bloat, junk, and inflammation come off in the first 7-14 days…which means about 5-10lbs of “weight”. After that, most guys see a steady 1-3lbs of fat lost per week. If you're very overweight and you hit this program super hard, you can sometimes lose 20-40lbs in the first 30 days…but this isn't common. Most guys will start their journey about 10-20lbs of fat lost in 30 days, and then steadily lose more fat every month after.

“The best part about this program is the meal plan. It’s not a “rabbit food diet.” I love it because I get to EAT and still lose weight.”

Ben S, 50 years young

You can email support 24/7, we have a team of coaches and tons of resources to help you. You can also post in the FB group and sometimes guys answer within seconds. There's never a time where you'll feel “stuck” for more than 24 hours.

“My favorite part about this program is the coaching and the Brotherhood. I’ve never had a question unanswered and it’s incredible to get to share this journey with likeminded guys on the program. I am a Fit Father for life!”

Chris, 46 years young

If you have less than 30lbs to lose, this FF30X program will still work great for you! Although we advertise the program to “bigger guys” who want to lose a lot of weight, we have hundreds of members who are using FF30X to lose less than 30lbs and to get rid of the last bit of stubborn body fat while also building muscle and strength to fill out your frame

If you have less than 30lbs to lose, this FF30X program will still work great for you! Although we advertise the program to “bigger guys” who want to lose a lot of weight, we have hundreds of members who are using FF30X to lose less than 30lbs and to get rid of the last bit of stubborn body fat while also building muscle and strength to fill out your frame

Click the "Buy Now" button above to get INSTANT access.

With FF30X, you risk nothing, and you gain your life back. I can’t make it any better.

Join us today, as a new Fit Father. You’ll be among friends.

Oh, and if you have specific questions about the program, you can email: [email protected].

My Customer Services team will be happy to answer them.

Yours in Lifelong Health,

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi

Creator, Fit Father 30X
Brotherhood Nickname: "Mr. Results"
Bragging Rights: has helped over 40,632 fathers drop over 200,000lbs of fat and rebuild muscle.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi

Creator, Fit Father 30X
Bragging Rights: helped 40,632 fathers drop over 200,000lbs of fat and rebuild muscle.

Unanswered questions? Please email our FFP Staff: [email protected]

Where Men 40+ come to shed extra
pounds and get healthy for life
© 2024 The Fit Father Project | All Rights Reserved

Research Cited:

(1) Belly fat may drive inflammation associated with disease. Washington University School of Medicine.

(2) Trends in the lifetime risk of developing cancer in Great Britain: comparison of risk for those born from 1930 to 1960. British Journal of Cancer.

(3) Does a junk food diet make you lazy? Psychology study offers answer. University of California – Los Angeles.

(4) Men and Heart Disease Fact Sheet. United States' Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Division.

(5) Too much belly fat linked to dementia. Boston University School of Medicine.

(6) Study shows obesity-related conditions like hypertension are a cause of ED. Research from University of Florence

The following disclaimer is legally required by the United States Federal Trade Commission because there are so many weight loss scams out there. We stand behind the utmost quality of our programs & supplements and we back FF30X with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. See our full explanation of why these disclaimers are required here.


Results vary depending on starting point, goals and effort. Basic exercise and a proper diet are necessary to achieve and maintain weight loss and improvements in muscle definition. The testimonials featured on this page are from our program members who fully implemented the meal plan and workouts. Consult your physician and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program or using any supplement, nutrition plan or meal replacement product, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions. The contents on our website are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to diagnose any medical condition, replace the advice of a healthcare professional, or provide any medical device, diagnosis, or treatment.

*TESTIMONIALS DISCLAIMER: Testimonials found at and associated websites are results that have been forwarded to us by users of Fit Father 30X and our other Fit Father Project programs. Because results vary by individual based on starting point, goals, and effort, these testimonials are here to show you what is possible with the full implementation of our program and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. We do our absolute best to guide you through the program, step-by-step, to help promote your results & implementation of the program material. Our team emails you & provides support groups for ongoing communication and accountability. Our most successful members make use of our team, groups, and accountability resources.

PROGRAM GUARANTEES: We offer a 100% money back guarantee on all of our programs – including membership sites for 60-days after the initial purchase. To initiate a refund, simply email [email protected] with your order number, and we will give you a full, prompt, and courteous refund within 1-3 business days. These guarantees are also outlined on all of our product and program sales pages.

RISKS OF PRODUCT USE: The website’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. None of the diet plans or exercises (including products and services) mentioned at should be performed or otherwise used without clearance from your physician or healthcare provider. The information contained within is not intended to provide specific physical or mental health advice, or any other advice whatsoever, for any individual and the Fit Father Project and AMB Wellness Partners LLC and should not be relied upon in that regard. Nothing on this website should be misconstrued as medical advice.

There may be risks associated with participating in activities mentioned on for people in poor health or with pre-existing physical or mental health conditions. Because these risks exist, you will not participate in such diet plans if you are in poor health or have a pre-existing mental or physical condition. If you choose to participate in these risks, you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with such dietary and exercise activities. These risks may also exist for those who are currently in good health right now.

FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: It is the intent of AMB WELLNESS PARTNERS LLC (“Sponsor”) to operate products through this Website consistent with the work of Dr. Anthony Balduzzi, NMD. However, Sponsor is not a healthcare practitioner or provider. To the extent that any information is provided through this Website, it is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute or substitute for (i) medical advice or counseling, (ii) the practice of medicine including but not limited to psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy or the provision of health care diagnosis or treatment, (iii) the creation of a physician-patient or clinical relationship, or (iv) an endorsement, a recommendation or a sponsorship of any third party, product or service by the Sponsor or any of the Sponsor's related companies, agents, employees, consultants or service providers. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements available on this Website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The following disclaimer is legally required by the United States Federal Trade Commission because there are so many weight loss scams out there. We stand behind the utmost quality of our programs & supplements and we back FF30X with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. See our full explanation of why these disclaimers are required here.


Results vary depending on starting point, goals and effort. Basic exercise and a proper diet are necessary to achieve and maintain weight loss and improvements in muscle definition. The testimonials featured on this page are from our program members who fully implemented the meal plan and workouts. Consult your physician and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program or using any supplement, nutrition plan or meal replacement product, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions. The contents on our website are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to diagnose any medical condition, replace the advice of a healthcare professional, or provide any medical device, diagnosis, or treatment.

*TESTIMONIALS DISCLAIMER: Testimonials found at and associated websites are results that have been forwarded to us by users of Fit Father 30X and our other Fit Father Project programs. Because results vary by individual based on starting point, goals, and effort, these testimonials are here to show you what is possible with the full implementation of our program and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. We do our absolute best to guide you through the program, step-by-step, to help promote your results & implementation of the program material. Our team emails you & provides support groups for ongoing communication and accountability. Our most successful members make use of our team, groups, and accountability resources.

PROGRAM GUARANTEES: We offer a 100% money back guarantee on all of our programs – including membership sites for 60-days after the initial purchase. To initiate a refund, simply email [email protected] with your order number, and we will give you a full, prompt, and courteous refund within 1-3 business days. These guarantees are also outlined on all of our product and program sales pages.

RISKS OF PRODUCT USE: The website’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. None of the diet plans or exercises (including products and services) mentioned at should be performed or otherwise used without clearance from your physician or healthcare provider. The information contained within is not intended to provide specific physical or mental health advice, or any other advice whatsoever, for any individual and the Fit Father Project and AMB Wellness Partners LLC and should not be relied upon in that regard. Nothing on this website should be misconstrued as medical advice.

There may be risks associated with participating in activities mentioned on for people in poor health or with pre-existing physical or mental health conditions. Because these risks exist, you will not participate in such diet plans if you are in poor health or have a pre-existing mental or physical condition. If you choose to participate in these risks, you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with such dietary and exercise activities. These risks may also exist for those who are currently in good health right now.

FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: It is the intent of AMB WELLNESS PARTNERS LLC (“Sponsor”) to operate products through this Website consistent with the work of Dr. Anthony Balduzzi, NMD. However, Sponsor is not a healthcare practitioner or provider. To the extent that any information is provided through this Website, it is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute or substitute for (i) medical advice or counseling, (ii) the practice of medicine including but not limited to psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy or the provision of health care diagnosis or treatment, (iii) the creation of a physician-patient or clinical relationship, or (iv) an endorsement, a recommendation or a sponsorship of any third party, product or service by the Sponsor or any of the Sponsor's related companies, agents, employees, consultants or service providers. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements available on this Website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
