Get Your Free 24-Min Workout PLUS Free Fat Loss Meal Plan Created Exclusively for Busy Guys 40+

Get Your Free 24-Min Workout PLUS Free Fat Loss Meal Plan Created Exclusively for Busy Guys 40+

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Over 400,000 busy men have already
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FACT: Men over 40 need to work out & eat differently than younger guys to burn off belly fat, feel energized, & stay healthy. This Free 1-Day Meal Plan & 24-Minute Workout will show you exactly what to eat without the frustration of "normal diets" and the exact workout that will give you more energy and get your body burning fat all day long.

Where should we send your Free 1-Day Meal Plan & 24-Min Fat Burning Workout?

Enter your email on this page.

You will get your FREE Meal Plan & Workout on the next page.

Over 400,000 busy men have already
claimed access to this Free Meal Plan
& Workout. Get yours today.
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Dr. Anthony Balduzzi

Founder, The Fit Father Project

Dr. Anthony is a men's health & weight loss expert who specifically helps busy men over 40. Growing up, Dr. Anthony watched his own Dad work himself to the bone, get sick, and eventually die at 42. He founded the Fit Father Project on the mission to help other busy fathers lose weight and build the sustainable health habits that will keep them strong and permanently healthy.

Lee S, 52 years young*
Lost 110lbs in 12 months

“I lost 20lbs in my first 30 days. After the first week on the program, my joints weren't hurting as much any more. I didn't feel lethargic. I had more energy. I just physically began feeling way better inside.”

Don S – 50 years young*
Lost 40lbs and gained muscle

“This program has radically changed everything about me. I lost 22lbs in the first 30 days, then shortly thereafter surpassed my goal and lost over 40lbs. I feel fantastic! Thank you Fit Father Project!”
